
Sleep Disorder Warning Signs You Should Know About

A good night’s sleep is important for health. Giving the body and mind a chance to rest and reset is vital yet about 1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Many people who struggle with getting enough rest...

Nattokinase Benefits: 6 Reasons To Try This Asian Superfood (Plus, a Chef’s Tips)

Natto is a traditional Japanese food with a history as unique as its sticky texture. Pronounced phonetically—short A, stress on the first syllable—natto is a dish made of boiled soybeans that are left to ferment in a hot, humid environment for about 24 hours. This results in a distinctively pungent culinary staple with some impressive creds for your health...

5 Specific Steps to Stop Sugar Cravings

We're all guilty of it at some point: sneaking an extra cookie from the box or another spoonful of ice cream from the tub after you've told yourself you've had enough. While sugar plays a role in giving your body the energy you need to live, when you eat too much of it, it can lead to some serious side effects—and constant sugar cravings...

Which Type of Salmon Is Healthiest? A Registered Dietitian Reveals

Whether it tops your sushi roll or your bagel, salmon is one of the healthiest animal proteins you can put on your plate. This fish, loaded with healthy oils, delivers a range of essential nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin B12, and selenium.

Also, gram for gram, salmon packs more omega-3 than many of its underwater peers. Why is that a big deal? "Omega-3 fatty...

Eco-Anxiety Is Real — Here's How to Cope

It only took one news headline to kill my drowsy, blissfully unaware state and turn me into a panicking mess with sweaty palms and a racing heart.

Moments before, I had fluttered my eyes open from my eight-hour snooze and innocently tapped my phone screen, where a notification from The New York Times app awaited me. I quickly skimmed the text...

6 Ways to Cleanse Toxins From Your Body

Mold, among other toxic elements in our environment, has been the subject of much public scrutiny of late. There's the family in Austin, Texas who suffered a growing list of health issues over three years – from the mom's migraines to their youngest son's developmental problems—before realizing the mycotoxins produced by invisible mold in their house...

12 Sneaky Ways You Get Tricked into Overeating—and How to Fight Back

There are plenty of reasons why you overeat when you aren't hungry. But how can being hungry and trying to make a healthier choice lead to accidental overeating?

When you eat something you think is healthy on the menu, chances are you'll feel less guilty about eating it. And with less guilt surrounding a meal, you're actually more likely to eat too much!

Is the 'Nocebo Effect' Hurting Your Fitness Goals?

Many of us have no problem checking in on the status of our New Year’s resolutions to “walk more” or “sleep better,” and it’s all thanks to our trusty Fitbits, Apple Watches, and other wrist-sized fitness gadgets. At any moment of the day, you can look to your wrist and have access to your health data. And if you don’t have the instinct to check, chances are...

Surefire Ways to Protect Your Liver

In the hierarchy of human organs, the brain and the heart take top billing. The liver? Not so much.

But your liver deserves your love. Everything you eat or drink, even second-hand cigarette smoke that your lungs usher into your bloodstream, goes through your liver for processing and detoxification...

When Overthinking Creeps Into a Symptom of Mental Illness

Overthinking. It’s something we all do at times — so many of us that it cannot really be said that it is automatically related to mental illness. But in some cases, it is a symptom.

Let’s start with depression, a subject about which I know a thing or two. When I was in a depressive phase of my (undiagnosed) bipolar...

Showing 81 to 90 of 321 (33 Pages)